Intellectual property ownership

The PARTICIPANT of the ENCUENTRO expressly authorises the Albéniz Foundation, as well as all those natural or corporate persons to which the Foundation may assign the exploitation rights with regard to the images, or part thereof, to carry out the audiovisual recording of the activities that form the object of this contract, expressly authorising the recording of my image and voice, using the technical means currently known and those which may be developed in the future, as well as the fixation, reproduction, public communication, circulation and distribution, of such audiovisual recordings, with educational purposes.


This authorisation extends exclusively, with no geographical limitation and for the maximum period permitted by the lntellectual Property Law, to the assignment of all the intellectual property, artistic, audiovisual and image rights that may correspond to him owing to her intervention in the activities that form the object of this contract, It is understood to be exclusively made for internal use of the FIMCM, for educational purposes, clearly excluding the authorisation to carry out any economic exploitation linked to the audiovisual recordings of your image and/or voice with the only qualification and limitations of those uses or applications that may be contrary to the right to honour in the terms contemplated in the Organic Law 1/82, of 5 May, on the Civil Protection of the Right to Honour, to Personal and Family Privacy and to one's Own lmage.