The Friends of the Reina Sofía School of Music Programme offers the possibility to collaborate with its educational and cultural project. The contribution from the Friends is intended to cover study scholarships and artistic activities.
What does the Friends Programme consist of?
The Friends of the Reina Sofía School of Music Programme is an annual subscription that offers exclusive advantages to its members. It was created with the aim of sharing the School's artistic and educational project with all those who are passionate about music. The contributions of the Friends of the School go towards the Friends of the School scholarship, which one of our students receives each year.
The Friends of the School enjoy tax advantages for their annual contribution. With the modification of Law 49/2002, as part of the measures to support the cultural sector and of a tax nature, from 1 January 2024 the tax benefits for donations from private individuals will be increased by 5 points. Donations can be tax deductible for 80% of the first 250 euros of the donation and 40% of the rest of the amount or 45% in the case of pluriannuality (at least 3 years with a donation equal to or greater than that of the previous year).
Young Friend (up to 40 years old): € 25/year
- Two free tickets to the orchestra concert in The Rising Generation series at National Music Auditorium
- Two free tickets to the paid concert of your choice
- Option of reserving a ticket for all free concerts*
- Access to VIP experiences, such as guided tours, meeting our musicians and invitations to rehearsals
- Participation through a drawing at an important annual music event for two people (travel, stay and entries)
- Discounts in Friends programmes of partner entities (Amigos del Museo Thyssen, Amigos del Teatro Real)
- Tax deduction.
- Acknowledgement given on School and Foundation websites.
A Tempo Friend: € 120/year
- Free entrance for two people to 10 concerts (with a limited quota for the Afterwork and Fun Classics series)
- Option of reserving in advance two tickets for all free concerts
- Seat reservation and priorty access to the AIE Masterclasses.
- Access to VIP experiences, such as guided tours, meeting our musicians and invitations to rehearsals
- Access to an exclusive annual event for Friends, organised around musical appreciation.
- Participation through a drawing at an important annual music event for two people (travel, stay and entries)
- Preferential access for the Summer Camp Music and Culture
- Discounts in Friends programmes of partner entities (Amigos del Museo Thyssen, Amigos del Teatro Real)
- Tax deduction. Return at the end of each tax year
- Acknowledgement given on School and Foundation websites.
Tutti Friend (Family up to six members): € 140/year
All of the above plus:
- Free entry to all members for 10 concerts (limited number for Afterwork series)
- Option of reserving for all family members for all free concerts
- Tax deduction. Return at the end of each tax year
Vivace Friend: € 600/year
All of the above plus:
- Free entrance for four people to 20 concerts
- Option of reserving for four people for all free concerts
- Tax deduction. Return at the end of each tax year
Molto Vivace Friend : € 1,500/year
All of the above plus:
- Free entrance for four people to all concerts
- Option of reserving for four people at all the free concerts
- Invitation for four people to the School Year Inauguration Concert.
- Tax deduction. Return at the end of each tax year