Environmental Projects
As part of its commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals, the Reina Sofía School of Music has launched several projects that address the relationship between music and the protection of the environment, such as awareness programmes and contemporary artistic creation with ecological implications.
Dryad Project
The Dryad Project, developed by students of the Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation Programme concerned with climate change, seeks to bring awareness of the fight against global warming to regular citizens and to spark action through specific measures, such as donations to reforestation organisations.
The Sound of Recycling
The Sound of Recycling is an interdisciplinary show, designed by the students as a project of the Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation Programme, with the objective of rising the awareness of the community about the need to take care of our environment. On stage, musicians and dancers gather to tell a story about this important challenge we face as a society.
Listen to the Earth
Listen to the Earth is a project of environmental awareness through the production of 4 video pieces in collaboration with Ecologistas en Acción and the Escuela Superior de Dibujo Profesional (ESDIP) with the goal of shedding light on the problematics of climate change from an optimistic perspective.