Santander Encounter of Music and Academy 2024

Congratulations! Live auditions have finished and you have been selected to participate in the 2024 Encuentro de Santander

Registration form

Note that this is a long form. Read it through the end and gather all required information and documents before starting to fill it in. All answers are required. The deadline for completing the registration process is 10/03/2023



Can you also play any of this instruments?
(You can choose one, both or leave blank)



Can you also play any of this?


Upload the ID document / passport you will be using for traveling. Files accepted: jpg, jpeg or pdf (no gif, no png)


Additional information

Upload your artistic picture. Files accepted: jpg, jpeg, tif or tiff (no gif, no png, no pdf). Minimum 1 MB files required.

Chamber Music Repertory (that you can play already)

For each piece, complete the fields Composer, Work (title, tonality, number, opus) and Duration (mm:ss) 

Chamber Music Repertory (that you would like to learn)

For each piece, complete the fields Composer, Work (title, tonality, number, opus) and Duration (mm:ss)

Solo Repertory / with or without PIANO (please, do not include any concertos)

WIND players recitals will be 20’- 25’ / STRING players, 30’- 35’ / PIANO players, 40’- 45’.
Please, include both short and long pieces, of a total duration at least 10 minutes longer than the duration of your recital.

Recitals (both with the same programme) which will take place in the Sala Pereda and in another venue.

Free programme of 25-30' which can include opera/oratorio arias and Art songs (Lied, Melodie etc.). For each piece, complete the fields Composer, Work (title, tonality, number, opus) and Duration (mm:ss)

Lyric Gala in the Sala Pereda where you cannot repeat any work included in the other programme.

For this concert, please send a free programme of 15' of opera arias and also a short list of possible opera ensembles (duettos/terzettos etc.). For each piece, complete the fields Composer, Work (title, tonality, number, opus) and Duration (mm:ss)


All payments and reimbursements related to the Encuentro will be transferred to your bank account during the festival. To have everything ready before then, kindly provide us with your bank account details.

Caution Deposit

A caution deposit of 150 € is required. Indicate “Encuentro Deposit + Last and First names” when transferring the amount to the following account:

Bank:  Bankinter
Beneficiary: Fundación Albéniz
IBAN:    ES17 0128 0010 9401 0025 7804

Alternatively, you may also pay through Paypal to the following account:

This is not an application fee, and it will be returned to you at the end of your stay in Santander. However, if you cancel your participation or withdraw from the program, regardless of the reason (calendar clash, medical reasons, etc.), the deposit will not be returned.

The Encuentro commits to offering a full experience when inviting each student to join us in Santander, and incurs into several expenses to do so (i.e. flight ticket, accommodation, accidents insurance policy…). Spots in the program are limited, and a deposit is a sign of commitment on your side and a guarantee that you will be with us this summer.
Upload your proof of payment. Files accepted: jpg, jpeg, pdf, tif or tiff (no gif, no png).