Académicos de Primavera

Academic Concert: Composition | Professor Fabián Panisello

Monday 24th of June, 2024
Auditorio Sony, Madrid

Teacher: Fabián Panisello

The Academic Concerts are an essential part of the training programme of the Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía, one of the pillars of which is to consider the stage as an extension of the classroom and a decisive factor in artistic maturity. In this cycle, all the students perform in the School's Sony Auditorium, in the presence of their teachers. The experience of performing in front of an audience gives them the chance to show the results of their work as well as to face the challenges of live performance.

Free admission until full capacity is reached. Tickets will be available for booking and download one week in advance.

Book tickets for Friends of the School here. Find out more about the Friends of the School Programme here.

The concert can also be enjoyed live on our Youtube channel.

Libretto of El coloqvio de los perros

Libretto of Pinocho

Libretto of Antígona


      • El coloqvio de los perros for two voices and ensemble (adaptation from the homonymous work by M. de Cervantes)
        • Scene 1: Monologue of the witch Cañizares Scene 3: The encounter between Berganza and Cipión
    • DOMÍNGUEZ, Pablo
      • Pinocchio for two voices and ensemble (adaptation from the original work by C. Collodi)
        • Introduction Scene 1 Scene 2
          • Isabella Gaudí, Soprano
          • Isaac Galán, Barítono
          • Viacheslav Chirkunov, Violín
          • Raquel De la Cruz Hebrero, Contrabajo
          • Daniel Fernández Grau, Trompeta
          • Gabriel Domínguez García, Acordeón
          • Sandra Cebrián Hidalgo, Piano
          • Andrés Gomis Mora, Saxofón barítono
          • Larissa Cunha, Flauta
          • Diego Micó Estruch, Clarinete
    • GARCÍA, Onir
      • Zajārif for eight instruments
          • Viacheslav Chirkunov, Violín
          • Raquel De la Cruz Hebrero, Contrabajo
          • Daniel Fernández Grau, Trompeta
          • Gabriel Domínguez García, Acordeón
          • Sandra Cebrián Hidalgo, Piano
          • Andrés Gomis Mora, Saxofón barítono
          • Larissa Cunha, Flauta
          • Diego Micó Estruch, Clarinete
    • CRISTÓBAL, Daniel
      • Seven haikus by M. Bashō for baritone and ensemble
        • I. la luna llena - hoy con treinta y nueve - un niño II. serpientes come - aterrador de oír - grito de faisán III. mi posada - luz cuadrada - luna de ventana V. como un ciego - otros me ven - miro la luna.
          • Isaac Galán, Barítono
          • Raquel De la Cruz Hebrero, Contrabajo
          • Daniel Fernández Grau, Trompeta
          • Gabriel Domínguez García, Acordeón
          • Viacheslav Chirkunov, Piano
          • Sandra Cebrián Hidalgo, Piano
          • Andrés Gomis Mora, Saxofón barítono
          • Larissa Cunha, Flauta
          • Diego Micó Estruch, Clarinete
    • GHARIBIAN, Sevan
      • Antígona for three voices and ensemble (adaptation from the tragedy by Sofocles)
        • Prelude Scene 1: Creon's Decree Intermezzo 1 Scene 2: Polynices buried Intermezzo 2 Scene 3: ‘Hallada cavando una tumba’ Scene 4: ‘No es desgracia para mí tener este destino’ Intermezzo 3: ‘No sabe ceder al infortunio’ Scene 5: ‘Ya me tienes’ Scene 6: ‘¡Ay, tumba!’ Scene 7: ‘La muerte está muy cerca’